Our Mission: To build the capacity to meet the behavioral needs of the community.

Britton Behavioral Consulting provides BCBA and BCaBA supervision remotely and in person (within the San Francisco Bay Area). For those who live in the area and are unable to find locations to obtain independent fieldwork experience or who need independent fieldwork experience beyond direct service hours, we can provide those opportunities for you as an unpaid intern. People seeking independent fieldwork experience will need to commit to a minimum of 10 hours per week to meet the guidelines set forth by the BACB.


Activities available through this unpaid internship include:

  • Data collection
  • Conducting ABLLS assessments
  • Conducting VB-MAPP assessments
  • Conducting stimulus preference assessments
  • Conducting functional behavior assessments
  • Developing, implementing, and monitoring behavior intervention plans
  • Developing, implementing, and monitoring skill acquisition programs
  • Collecting data on staff behavior and delivering performance feedback
  • Developing and delivering behavioral trainings


Remote Supervision

Remote supervision consists of viewing videos of behavior analytic activities conducted with clients, reviewing graphs, reports, behavior intervention plans, skill acquisition plans, etc. We deliver feedback on these videos and specific work products in addition to ongoing discussion of cases the supervisee has. Consent for videotaping is required for all clients and the agency where the supervisee works. All HIPPA/FERPA requirements are maintained through this supervision process. The supervision contract will outline specifics around these expectations.


Fees for supervision

Supervision for an individual is charged at an hourly rate of $75, while supervision for a group (per individual) is $60 per hour.



Starting the Supervision Relationship

If you are interested in starting supervision with Britton Behavioral Consulting, call or email to schedule a free consultation. During that consultation, you will discuss where you are within your BACB coursework and your overall needs for fieldwork experience/supervision. Based on that meeting, we will make recommendations on a supervision course that will give you the scope and sequence to prepare you to become a successful BCBA. If both parties feel that this plan is a good fit, we will develop a supervision contract outlining expectations for both parties. Once that contract is signed, supervision can begin.


Success Rate

Lisa Britton has supervised more than 15 people collecting fieldwork experience to be eligible to sit for the BCBA exam. Out of those who have sat for the exam thus far, 83 percent of Lisa’s supervisees passed the exam on their first attempt and 100 percent passed the exam within two attempts.